I was born curious. Curious about sights, smells, textures and how loud my voice was, much to my parent’s chagrin… lol! It carried into my adult life, as a fitness trainer, how big I could make my and my clients muscles, and how different we each were as to the results we achieved. My early dives into the I Ching, Yoga, Astrology, Buddism, and plant medicines also cultivated my curious lifestyle. Then as an Esthetician, I was curious how to improve my clients skin, seeing how much came into play for that improvement, from their environment both physically and emotionally, to their culture and backgrounds. The alchemy, intimacy and trust given to me for those 30 years as an Esthetician, is so deeply appreciated. It allowed for my confidence and creativity to thrive, and to know how important curiosity is in asking those big questions about our own life, and what our Soul’s purpose is.
All this time I was observing and understanding just how important emotional inner health is, as well as that health of our outer shell. I knew it was time for another deep dive into my own spiritual soul, and what better place for that than the desert…where life is lived more fully on the edge, and through Jungian psychology.
This Jungian style of coaching is not a quick fix, but the rewards you get by exploring your own unconscious, moving away from life in automatic pilot, and moving closer to your authentic Self, is well worth the time put in. We are called to live a luminous life. By aiming your focus from outer achievements, and putting it to your inner essence and purpose, I can assist you in aligning your actions and goals, closer to your own deeper values and aspirations. This integration can bring about a sense of wholeness, authenticity and inner peace and harmony.
It is a journey, tears are almost inevitable, I know…however, the joy and lightness of recognizing the magic of our world in which we live, and that we create on a daily basis with our choices, will far outweigh any difficult emotions that might come up.

“Answers tell us where we’ve been, questions get us on our journey. We are a process.” —James Hollis